Access Bank adds another feather to its cap through the women market program, The WInitiative Maternal Health Service Support (MHSS) scheme.”
The W Initiative is happy to welcome the birth of two new babies to the couples whoaccessed the MHSS financing for their IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) procedure having waitedseveral years.
Since 2014, The W Initiative through its MHSS health financing programme has supportedthe advancement of the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)” to enable couplesaccess fertility treatment such as IVF.”
Having successfully financed hundreds of procedures including fertility treatments, childdelivery, fibroid treatments, surrogacy, bone marrow transplant and other specialisedprocedures, The W Initiative remains ever committed to supporting more women andfamilies by restoring hope and saving lives through its health financing scheme.
Women interested in accessing this health financing solution from the Bank can go through their service touch points-, or send a direct email or call 01-2273005