Apostle Courage Igene of All Naions Church, Texas, has expressed his deepest appreciation to all the churches in the world for their patience, understanding and ceaseless prayers during the lock down of their churches by their various Government over COVID-19 in the past few months.

Courage Igene is also writing on behalf on his ministry, All Nations Churches to appreciate the grace of God upon their lives and also commend their steadfastness on God’s calling particularly at a time like this when the entire world is being ravaged by the corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic.

Without mincing words, the Covid-19 scourge has adversely affected the church of God all over the world with the lock down of churches by authorities in their wisdom to control the spread of the deadly virus. The church has never experienced this kind of global lock down in recent history. We commend you for your tenacity in holding unto your commissions in the face of the Covid-19 global threats to the church of God, it’s relevance and existence.

Although churches in most countries across the world remain in lockdown by authorities, except for some countries which have recently relieved their worship centers.

“We are not unmindful of the fact that the gates of hell shall never prevail against the continued relevance and existence of the church of God, no matter what the world throws at the church, including the Covid-19.”

Courage Igene went further to express that with the partial relaxation of the lock down, the government was putting a great strain upon the Church. He urged all the churches to recognize that the coronavirus pandemic is still lingering in the world, and implored all church leaders and congregations to ensure that they intensify prayer and intercession in ensuring that God totally destroys the pandemic and flush it rapidly from the nations at large.

We the named church “All Nations Churches located in USA continues to be the Light in this State, living and doing the Word of God as instructed in Romans 13:1&2; 1 Peter 2:13-15 and 1 Timothy 2:1-3, so that we may continue to “lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty” Courage Igene explained.

Apostle Courage Igene finally expressed confidence that Jesus Christ would continue to build his Church by the reason of his infallible word of covenant, and the gate of hell shall not be able to prevail against His Church. He prayed that God would continue to defend the Church, fight its battle and give total victory in Jesus name. “May it continue to be well with us in Jesus name. Our victory over this evil pandemic shall be
permanent in Jesus name,” he prayed.

We are excited the pandemic has not prevailed against the church of God with the series of the commendable activities being embarked upon by many churches in the world especially beyond the spiritual to keep the church of God alive and relevant to this pandemic season.

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